Thursday, December 20, 2007

Colloidal Silver For Cataracts

. The Eagles return

British Sea Power.

This British band consists of five musicians, two of them brothers, have been among others, opening for bands like Interpol, the strokes, flaming lips, etc ... Straddling the Glam and Punk, interesting proposal where there. Pronounced psychedelic guitars and drums.
In late 2001 they released their first single, Rough Trade and initiate, and in 2002 a tour opening for Pulp. But seriously be baptized in 2003 when his first album The Decline Of British Sea Power The receiving very good reviews in Britain. Are

about to release their third album and already have your audience Ansis. Atom
I leave, one of its more than safe hits.

And Jools Remenber me (you judge its aesthetic).

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How To Play A Piano Through Computer Speakers

. Pop


seems that they never left. They have spent the years for their music. Pending write more on this latest album of consagradisimos "The Eagles", could not pass up the opportunity to recommend his last LP, Long Road Out Of Eden, exquisite.