Saturday, June 26, 2010

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The ultimate effect we are going to try this is real amplifier common mode rejection. It is always a problem linked to the characteristic of differential amplifier. We treat now because the operational amplifier is a differential amplifier when studied in open loop.

A represents the gain differential operational amplifier. If you do the next mount

output Vo should be zero because

however, to put it into practice notes that Vo is not zero, and also to increase VCM also increases the value of Vo.

All this requires us to rethink the ideal case: now the output could be expressed as AVi more something that depends on VCM that could be expressed in the form ...

where K is a constant that is easily obtained by making V d = 0 and measuring V or so that K = V or / V CM . All this we can rewrite it again in another way if we understand the process differently. Thus, we assume that V or is due to a differential voltage V d between terminals and a common mode voltage V CM which is the voltage level reference that have applied the two terminals and which is superimposed on the V d . Now V or will ...
where we represent the voltages applied in the form

If we have a differential assembly is


that term will have to add a term in the form GCMVCM.

These terms, called common mode of symmetry displayed by problems in the circuit and we will understand how an error amplifier.

We want to know if the common-mode terms are large or not, if A CM much or little influence on the output, or even if is too big or too small compared to differential mode. In general we know that if A CM big the error is too large and if A CM is very small then the amplifier will not error. Thus A CM might be an appropriate parameter to determine the error due to common mode. However, there is right and that to know his real influence is to compare it with the term A d V d . To achieve a good standard, we define the reject reason common mode, which we denote by CMRR as the ratio of differential gain and common ...
depend on the quality of the device and since G d >> G CM high values \u200b\u200bare expected this parameter, the order of 10 5 or 10 6 . To work with more manageable values \u200b\u200bredefine this parameter expressing its value in decibels

this parameter tends to have higher values \u200b\u200bof 100 and the higher its value, better present the amplifier as a differential amplifier, having greater ability to reject common mode signals. In closed-loop amplifiers, CMRR typical values \u200b\u200bare around 120, 130 dB.

If we model this error as something external to the amplifier in the form Vo = GdVd + GCMVCM we add a source at the entrance VCM to produce a voltage output increased GCMVCM, so ...

is clear then that we can model the input error if we put a voltage equal to VCM / CMR in the form ...

in the output have to

In this configuration this error is not very important because CMR is much greater than V.

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In the ideal model output V or is independent of the load as in R L always going to have AV i what we mean that the R or amplifier is zero.

The more accurate model would consider a Thevenin equivalent of V TH = AV i and R TH = R or in series. Depending on the values \u200b\u200bof R or the description given by the ideal case will be more or less adequate. In real amplifiers the value of R or typically of the order of tens of ohms, at worst it could reach the value some hundred ohms. The real value of R or depend on the type of amplifier. The catalogs listed the maximum values \u200b\u200bof R or . We will try now the importance that may be the fact that R or not null. If you look at the attached figure, R or introduces a voltage divider where

In this expression if Ro = 0 then we get the ideal case Vo = AVi also if RL>> same thing happens Ro and Ro + RL is RL and thus again we obtain Vo = AVi. The problem then occurs when Ro and RL are comparable in which case we find the real case, in which the output is far below the ideal. For example, assume that Ro = RL Vo output would be worth half of the ideal. Therefore, we will explore a new model how to modify the expression of the gain from having a Ro.

Consider an ideal inverting amplifier to which we added externally and series resistance R or to account character real.

Accordingly we have

Assuming the isolated circuit, we can say that the intensity I passing through Ro is the same as through R2. With this we have to ...

expression obtained in closed loop where the number appears in A, which generally has very high values \u200b\u200b(10 5 - 10 6 ) and the term Ro/R2 that has values \u200b\u200bless than 1 since in general Ro <

Compared with open loop expression V'o / Vd =- A note that the difference is in the denominator in the ratio Ro/R2 is not negligible compared to unity and this causes an effective reduction the open loop gain. A 'decreases with respect to A and depends on Ro and R2. The larger R2 Ro have less influence on profit. R2 also increase in an inverting amplifier means that R1 must also increase to achieve the same profit, which means increasing the input impedance is always desirable.

We obtained Vo / Vd which is the gain G we seek to obtain this gain from the expression of the intensity I in R1 and R2 ...

Putting you in terms of Vo by the expression Vd =-Vo / A 'obtained above We ...

Vo grouping the terms in one hand and the other get Vi ...

clearing the ratio Vo / Vi, multiplying and dividing by R2 and replacing A by its value ...

The term that appears in the denominator due to a decrease in Ro G and depends on the magnitude of A. If A increases the error produced decreases, the closed loop gain. Furthermore, if Ro increases an increase in the error, which also occurs if you increase the term (1 + R2/R1). Finally, if the error induced R2 increases will be smaller. Yet we come to the idea that the larger G greater the influence of Ro and the larger lower R2 that influence.

We can see the magnitude of this factor for an unfavorable case:

assume that

Ro = 10 2 ohms

A = 10 5

(1 + R2/R1) = 100

R2 = 100 Kohm

the error is about 10 -6 which represents a very small error as that term is added to 1, which is totally negligible.

In most cases the errors of magnitude of resistance for both input and output are very small and therefore only be taken into account in cases in which required very high precision.

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we said in the ideal model intensity which is not running for any input terminals of operational amplifier due to the infinite input impedance. Let us consider what happens if this impedance is not infinite. To do this, we consider the problem from two different aspects:

In one model the resistors individually for each entry

the other possibility is modeled as a resistance differential between the input terminals

If we consider the actual values \u200b\u200bobtained for both cases, we note that Ri-and Ri + are the order of 10 8 , while the values \u200b\u200bof the differential resistance is about 10 6 .

Since this case is more favorable than the other we will focus primarily on him. To do this, consider the following scenario ...

since there is a Rid, this implies that there is an intensity in the amplifier input terminals, which leads to tensions in these terminals are not the same as in the ideal case.

If we consider the intensities plotted on the figure and analyze the circuit get ...

On the other hand we have:

gain Loading ...

multiplying and dividing by R2 ...

Noting the expression obtained is seen to have the same equation in the ideal case to which we added a third term summed in the denominator. This term (R2/ARid) is due to the residual strength and vanishes when it is infinite. If not, a decrease of the gain of the device, but since the values \u200b\u200bfound, their importance is almost always negligible. Therefore, unless otherwise noted, this influences the contempt arem.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Deep Can An Ear Infection Be?

status Rap Aragon Aragonés

Amazing and brilliant. This could qualify the initiative undertaken by a group of students from the Colegio San Vicente de Paul Barbastro: Compose, perform and record a video clip musical-eye with their mobile phones, on the status and history of Aragon. And all to the rhythm of rap.

Luis Gallego Banderas, Carlos Nasarre Mora, Javier Vadillo Fañanás, Mary Lalueza Cosculluela, Susana Polo Andreu, Solano Nevot Borja, Marcos Lapiedra Puértolas Arcas and Laura Solis third ESO students, they created this brilliant idea and presented it to School Video Contest organized by the Statutory Development Department, which won first prize .

As I said, surprising and equally brilliant.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog Brick Fireplace Redo

The Crusader updates its Web

Back in April 2009 The Crusader Aragonés Internet began in , after more than 100 years as an independent weekly. That first site, despite its limitations, laid the foundation of the claiming to be the online presence of this newspaper. and the new version follows the same lines: a supplement to subscribers of the print edition and a first look at those who are not.

Although this version takes several days to partially operational, has been this week when it was made public. Friday will be the official presentation, but with the permission of their creators and direction of the cross Neonautas readers can enjoy this story before in advance.

The new site retains many of the previous sections-history, latest headlines, adverts, voice of the reader-even more accessible and tidy. It also adds new ones such as Opinion, where you can read the editorials and articles written by the bishop of the diocese Barbastro-Monzón Don Alfonso Millán in his column "Now and Forever" Images with large photo galleries that complement those published in the print and the funny comic sparks and Santi Javi; Sports, which focus more on football than anything else, and finally, Section includes articles related to health and the entertaining pastimes Albarel and mental challenges in the Student Corner. Another interesting

Cultural Agenda, one of the most comprehensive on the Internet today, although it is somewhat blurred, and that can only be accessed by clicking on any of the dates of the small calendar at the right side of the website, along to chemists, the liturgical calendar and other content side. Maybe I could have some more presence.

Regarding the design, it has all the virtues of Joomla Content Management System-like clarity of presentation, good usability, powerful add-ons, but also its flaws, some accessibility issues, a sense of déjà vu - but the overall result is really nice. It remains

the extraordinary publishing periodicals that Cruzado Aragones has in his possession, and which is also already partially digitized. I know you're working on it.

I can only congratulate all the people of El Cruzado Aragones for his work and especially those who are involved in the website: an example of what good work always pays off.

Updated Lolo
Sampson, director of The Cross Aragones told me via Facebook that anyone who organizes leisure and cultural activities can advise the newspaper appearing on its agenda. From the Mailbox section Reader can contact them and include attachments.
