Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ftv Midnight Hot Live Streaming Mobile




The unipolar transistor is an element whose internal resistance can vary depending on the input signal applied, this variation caused makes it capable of regulating the current through the circuit that is connected. It is formed by the union of three pills semiconductor (N or P) linked together, being the central than at the ends and in this way, we can find NPN or PNP transistors. The central bar is the base and is the smallest of all and the end are the emitter and collector (higher than the issuer). The transmitter heavily doped carriers, and its mission is to inject them into the base. The base is lightly doped (less doped), and here is where they spend the carriers coming from the emitter collector road, in this way creates a current. The collector is more doped than the base, but unless the issuer, and this is who collects the carriers coming from the issuer and has not collected the base.

transistor is true in any respect to voltages and currents, the following:

vcb + Vbe =
Vce Ic + Ib = Ie
addition, as a very important parameter, we have:

B (beta or hfe) = Ic / Ib

and is the current gain collector-base when the load resistance is zero.

Polarization is to get the appropriate voltages at each point of the circuit, the desired current and the point of rest (or work) Q. All this involves connecting the transistors to some resistance that, through the voltage drop produced in them, they could institute the intended values \u200b\u200band stability. This will be done from DC voltages.

static load line will be a line located in the first quarter, which cut the curves

Ic = f (Vce) - collector current function of the collector-emitter voltage -.

For two points defining the line, we will raise the equation for the collector mesh in the circuit that we analyze, we will:

Ic = 0
and get Vce (point of intersection with the horizontal axis and maximum voltage that can be applied).

Then do:

Vce = 0

and get Ic (point of intersection with the vertical axis and maximum current that we can supply).

working point Q

is always located in the load line and within a curve, specifying a certain collector current Ic and a specific collector-emitter voltage Vce.

For the working point Q will raise three equations: the base mesh, the mesh collector and finally the equation of transistor

Ic = Beta x Ib.

applications then we will see this in various application circuits.

Work Zones
Depending on the position of the working point, we can distinguish three zones: Zone

cutting hotspot and saturated zone.

cutting area This area always have Ib = 0, Ic = 0, Vce = Vcc. The transistor behaves almost like an open circuit.

* Hotspot
This is where the transistor usually works, being the area where the transistor amplifier, fulfilling Ib Ic = B, Vce = 0.6 V (0.2 V for the case of germanium transistors.)

* Zone of saturation
The transistor behaves approximately like a short circuit.

Vce = 0.2 V, Ibsat> Ib, Icsat = B Ibsat, Ic = Icsat.

Stabilization The stabilization is to prevent thermal runaway and reduce the displacement of the point. To get used methods by which an increase in collector current lead, by feedback, to a variation of another magnitude to cause a compensatory decrease of the collector current, so that the resulting increase in Ic is much smaller than Ic increased without the stabilizing system.

bias circuit examples

Polarization fixed emitter resistor

Getting the point


equation of currents:

Ie = Ic + Ib

Grid collector: Vcc-Vce = ICRC + (Ic + Ib) Re

mesh base: Vcc-Vbe = IbRb + (Ic + Ib) Re Equation

transistor: Ic = BIb (assuming B = 120)

base mesh ---> Ib = 38.87 microamps. Trt of the equation ---> Ic = 4.58 milliamps. Collector mesh ---> Vce = 5.42 volts.

Polarization by collecting feedback about obtaining


current equation: Ie = Ic + Ib
I = Ic + Ib Grid collector: Vcc-Vce = IR + (Ic + Ib) Re (R = 810 ohms)

mesh base: Vcc-Vbe = IR + IbRb + (Ic + Ib) Equation trt Re: Ic = BIb (assuming B = 110)

base mesh ---> Ib = 42.53 microamps. Trt of the equation ---> Ic = 4.58 milliamps

collector mesh ---> Vce = 4.95 volts.

Stabilization emitter resistance (Re) and voltage divider bias based (self-bias)

The electrical This circuit is very effective and is developed as follows: If we assume an increase in Ic, the voltage drop across Re increases and counteracts the increase of the current Ic because there is a decrease in the base bias voltage Vbe. R1 and R2 are the resistances for varying the working point Q and consequently the work area.

Getting the point Q:

equation of currents: Ie = Ic + Ib
Grid collector: Vcc-Vce = ICRC + (Ic + Ib) Re

Equation voltage base: VBB Vcc = R2 / (R1 + R2)

Rb = R1R2 / (R1 + R2)

Mesh base: VBB-Vbe = IbRb + (Ic + Ib) Re

transistor equation: Ic = BIb (assuming B = 110)
base mesh ---> Ib = 55.11 microamps. Trt of the equation ---> Ic = 5.31 milliamperes collector mesh ---> Vce = 5 volts.

Basic Settings

They are: * Issuer
common: The entrance is on the base and the collector output. * Base

common emitter input and output per collector. * Collector

common base input and output by the issuer. Each configuration

has its own characteristics such as voltage amplification and / or current, impedance, input / output high, medium or low, etc..

Once polarized the transistor to work in a given area, we will introduce an alternating signal at its input to amplify it. The amplification is to increase the amplitude of an electrical signal, then the amplifier output will have an identical signal to the input but with greater amplitude.
Depending on where you place the operating point Q we have the following types of amplifiers:

* amplifier in class A: The working point is located in the hotspot. *

Class B Amplifier: The working point is situated on the edge of the hotspot. Only amplify the positive half cycle of the input signal, so you will need two transistors to amplify both half-cycles (positive and negative). *

Class AB Amplifier: The working point is located at the bottom of the conduction zone. *

Amplifier Class C: The working point is at the cutting area. Also here you need two transistors.

If we amplify the scale can also make classification:

- Amplicen voltage. -

power amplifier. -

power amplifier. -

continuous amplifier. -
low frequency amplifier. -

high frequency amplifier. -

frequency video amplifier


BASIC POWER amplifiers, also called Power, whose mission is to deliver to the load signal great power with minimum distortion and maximum efficiency. The output impedance should be small since the load is usually a speaker (4 or 8 ohms), so these amplifiers tend to be common collector because its current gain is very high and this makes the output intensity is large enough to move the cone. There are various assemblies such as common-emitter amplifier output coupling transformer-amplifier output and push-pull output amplifier with complementary symmetry

The circuit consists of two transistors with identical characteristics but different type, one PNP and one NPN (from Hence the name of "complementary"). Class B are polarized so that each transistor lead in opposing half cycles of the input signal.

As can be seen on the oscilloscope, the output signal has a distortion called crossover distortion. This distortion is a more than it can be in any electronic circuit, the most common (and all undesirable) the frequency, phase or amplitude.
crossover distortion occurs because to be biased in class B (very close to the cutting area) transistors do not start driving until a voltage of about 0.6 volts between base and emitter. To avoid this distortion is biased to class AB transistors by increasing the resistance value R1, or having two diodes in series such as seen in the following circuit, thus producing a voltage drop equal to the threshold base-emitter junctions of transistors, so crossover distortion disappears (see signal on the oscilloscope).

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are Your Eyes Brighter When You Stop Smoking



modulation is called the effect of "add" a low frequency signal (information) to a high frequency or carrier.

There are three basic methods of modulating the carrier. Are amplitude modulation, modulation Frequency and phase modulation. In our case we will study the amplitude modulation.

Figure 1 shows a wave of radio frequency (RF) pure AF signal and an amplitude modulated wave signal AF

The amplitude of the RF signal varies with modulating signal amplitude. Moreover, the speed with which varies the amplitude of the RF signal depends on the frequency modulation signal.

A RF signal is called a carrier and the envelope or modulating AF.

modulation rate

.- Relationship tension between BF and RF voltage is designated as the degree of modulation, represented by the letter m. The degree of modulation in% is given by the formula:

% modulation = Vmax-Vmin x 100
Vmax + Vmin

The degree of modulation is chosen so that the signal does not reach BF to modulate the carrier by more than 100%, on the maximum amount the 90% modulation.


is responsible for transmitting the signal into space. Consists of the following blocks:
- sound signal converter power, which is the modulating signal.
- Oscillator carrier, which will be responsible for generating a frequency wave pattern that has the station.

modulator, we mix the two signals, the LF and RF, giving us the amplitude modulated signal.

RF Amplifier us conveniently amplify the signal to pass through space.


receptor occurs in the reverse process of modulation (Fig. 3). This process is called demodulation or detection.

The desired station signal is received by the antenna and selected by the RF switch. Then it is detected. The resulting audio signal is amplified and applied to the speaker.

superheterodyne receiver .-

The previous recipient was overwhelmed by the superheterodyne receiver. This is more practical because it provides more selectivity, sensitivity and stability. The building blocks of a receiver of this type are:

a) input circuit, which is done by coupling the antenna to the first transistor and is tuned to the frequency of the station you want to receive fs.

b) local oscillator, which generates the frequency signal Buddha, that to achieve the effect heterodyne, must be mixed (broken) with the received signal. The frequency of this oscillator is variable at will and must maintain a constant difference, IF of 460 KHz, with the signal tuned input circuits (fs).

d) mixer, in which the two heterodyne signals fs and Buddhas. Normally the same way makes local oscillator and mixer then called converter.

e) Intermediate Frequency, which consists of one or more amplifier stages tuned to the IF frequency of 460 KHz. This amplifier between the different frequencies that occur in the heterodyning and are present at the output of the converter, selects and amplifies only the FI.

d) detector, which demodulates the IF, thus obtaining
BF signal that is modulated. This detector must receive the IF signal strong enough to work in the linear area of \u200b\u200bthe characteristic of the diode, so there is no distortion.
usually derived from a component detector for continuous operation of AGC (Automatic Gain Control).

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Radio Shack Return Gps No Recipt


Power Source, transformer, rectifier, filter, regulator

Many circuits needed for operation, a power direct current (DC) , but is usually found power alternating current (AC) .

In order to get current, the AC input must follow a process of conversion as shown in the diagram.

The following chart is the operation of a source, using a block diagram.
also shows the expected waveforms at baseline (AC Input), end (DC output) and between each of them.

- The input signal, which is the primary of transformer
, is a sine wave whose amplitude depends on where you live (110/220 Volt AC or other).
- The transformer secondary delivery to your signal with an amplitude less than the input signal and it must have a value that is in keeping with the
voltage (voltage) final DC power is desired.

For example if you want a final voltage of 12 volts direct current, the transformer secondary must have an AC voltage of no less than 9 volts, this value being very tight (remember that the secondary peak is : Vp = 1.41 x Vrms = 1.41 x 9 = 12.69 V).

If one takes into account the voltage drops at different stages (blocks) of the power supply may no longer be able to obtain the desired 12 volts.

In this case, choose a transformer with a secondary voltage of 12 volts AC. This AC voltage to obtain a voltage Peak: Vp = 1.41 x 12 = 16.92 volts.

- The rectifier converts the signal prior to a pulsating DC waveform, and in the case of the diagram, using a rectifier
1 / 2 wave (eliminates the negative wave .)

- The
filter, consisting of one or more condensers (capacitors) , smooths and flattens the previous wave by eliminating the component of alternating current (AC) gave the rectifier. The capacitors are charged to the maximum value of voltage delivered by the rectifier and slowly discharge when the pulsed signal disappears.

See the diagram above and
process of discharging a capacitor
- The controller receives the signal from the filter and delivers a constant voltage regardless of variations in load or supply voltage .

- transformers are used to lower or raise AC voltages.

- Rectifiers are made up of diodes
and used the process of transforming an AC signal to DC, allowing the passage or not semicycles AC wave.

- Filters can be of various types and are used to remove unwanted components of CA .- The regulators are a group of elements or an electronic element

Regulator zener diode voltage

Features, design example
Zener can be used to regulate a voltage source . This semiconductor is manufactured in a wide variety of tensions and powers

These range from less than 2 volts to several hundred volts, and power will be dissipated from 0.25 watts (W) to 50 watts (W) or more.

power dissipated by zener diode is simply multiplies the voltage for which it was manufactured by
current flowing through it.

x Vz Pz = Iz

This means that the maximum current that can pass through a zener diode is:

Iz = Pz / Vz.

Where: - Iz = current through the Zener-Pz = power zener diode (manufacturer) - Vz = Zener diode voltage (manufacturer)

Example: The current maximum zener diode 10 Volt and 50 Watts (W) may hold is: Iz = Pz / Vz = 50/10 = 5 amps

Calculation limiting resistor Rs. (See diagram of the regulator with zener diode)

The calculation of the
resistance Rs is determined by the load current request (which we to connect to this source.)
This resistance (resistor) can be calculated using the following formula:

Rs = [Venmin - Vz] / 1.1 x ILMAX

where: - Come (min) is the minimum input voltage. (Remember that a voltage is regulated and may vary) - IL (max) is the value of the maximum load current request.

Once earned Rs, we obtain the maximum power zener diode, using the following formula:

PD = [[Venmin - Vz] / Rs - ILmin] x Vz

Example of a Design:

A 15 volt source to feed a load with 9 Volt, which consumes a current that varies between 200 and 350 mA. (Milliamps). Choosing a 9.1-volt zener diode as there is no 9.
- Calculation of Rs: Rs = (15 - 9.1) / (1.1 x 0.35) = 15 ohms (ohms)

- Calculation of power zener diode, PD = [(15 - 9.1) / 15] x 9.1 = 3.58 watts or watts.
Since there is no zener diode of 3.58 Watts, and choose one of 5 watts which is the closest

- Rs Power: An additional calculation is the power of resistance Rs. This is done with the formula: P = I2 x R.

Current data are: I (max) = 350 milliamps = 0.35 amp = Rs 15 ohms (ohms) using the formula, PRS = 0,352 x 15 = 1.84 Watts (Watt) This means that when you buy this resistance (resistor) must be 2 Watts or more

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Powerful Workstations 2010

Power Sources Electromagnetic Spectrum Oscillators




oscillation or acceleration of any electrical charge generated a physical phenomenon consisting of electric and magnetic components, spectrum of radiation known as electromagnetic waves.

Fig. 1 full spectrum of radiation of electromagnetic waves.

That spectrum can be ordered from waves that have very low frequencies of a few hertz (Hz) or cycles per second with very long lengths, such as the frequency of the alternating current we use in our houses, until a very high frequency waves, thousands of millions of hertz or cycles per second with extremely short lengths, such as those with cosmic radiation.

The only difference between a wave group and others within the electromagnetic spectrum is the frequency in hertz (Hz), its length in meters (m) and transmit energy level in joules (J).

Main features of electromagnetic waves

The three main characteristics of the waves that constitute the electromagnetic spectrum are:

Frequency (f)

Length (λ)

Amplitude (A)


The frequency of a wave corresponds to a physical phenomenon that is repeated cyclically a certain number of times for a second time, as shown in the following illustration:
fig. 2
A. - sine wave cycle or hertz (Hz) per second. B. - Sine wave of 10 cycles or hertz per second

The frequency of these waves of the electromagnetic spectrum are represented by the letter (f) and its unit of measurement is the cycle, or hertz (Hz) second.


spectrum electromagnetic waves propagate through space in a similar way as water does when you throw a stone into a pond, that is, generating waves at the point where it falls the stone and extending to the shore.

When we throw a stone into a pond, waves are generated similar to
radiation characteristic of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Both waves are produced by displacement of water as the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum have peaks or ridges and valleys or bellies.

The horizontal distance between two consecutive peaks, two consecutive valleys, or even twice the distance between a node and other electromagnetic wave, measured in multiples or fractions of meters (m), constitutes what is called length wave. "

P. - Peak or crest: the maximum value of positive sign (+), takes the sine wave spectrum. electromagnetic, each half cycle, from the "0". This value increases or decreases as. amplitude "A" of the wave increases or decreases very positively over the value "0."

V. - Valle or womb maximum negative value (-), which takes the sine wave spectrum. electromagnetic, each half cycle, as it descends and crosses the "0". . The value of the valleys. increases or decreases as the amplitude "A" of the wave itself grows or decreases negatively. below the value "0."

T. - Period: time in seconds that elapses between the passage of two peaks or two valleys for the same. point.

N. - Node: Value "0" of the sine wave.

a wave length of the electromagnetic spectrum is represented by the Greek letter lambda. (Λ) and its value can be found using the following mathematical formula:


λ = wavelength in meters.
c = speed of light in vacuum (300 000 km / sec.)
f = wave frequency in hertz (Hz).

For example, if we want to know what band in meters (SW) transmits a radio station that is captured in the 7.1 MHz frequency on the dial, proceed as follows:

The speed of light (300 000 km / sec) become m / sec, to get the final result in meters. This operation is performed as follows, taking into account that 1 km is equal to 1 000 meters:

300 000 km / sec x 1 000 m = 300 000 000 meters / sec

below the 7.1 megahertz are converted in hertz (Hz), which is the unit of measurement frequency, given that 1 MHz is equal to 106 Hz, or 1 million Hz: 7.1 MHz x

106 = 7.1 x 1 000 000 = 7 100 000 Hz (or 7.1 million cycles per second)

The result of these two conversions substitute their values \u200b\u200bin the above formula and we have: Therefore
, the wavelength of the signal of 7.1 MHz will be 42.2 meters per cycle or hertz frequency. This length corresponds to the range of short wave radio (OC) that respond to the band corresponding range of 41 meters in the face of a receiver.


The amplitude is the maximum value that can reach the crest or peak of a wave. The point of less value received the name of the valley or belly, while the point where the value vanishes in passing, is known as "node" or "zero."

properties of electromagnetic waves

for its propagation of electromagnetic waves do not require a specific material medium, it can travel even outer space.

electromagnetic waves, as mentioned above, are spread by the vacuum at the speed of light (300 000 km / sec approximately), until your energy runs out. As the frequency increases, the wave energy increases.

This type of wave has the same physical properties
wave motion inherent

Research: Mr. Ricardo Arreola Navarro

January 2008 CETIS 58

Subject: Radio AM FM

Zachery Tims Pregnacy

Vetusta Morla. Essential

Vetusta Morla was the giant tortoise The Neverending Story, do not ask me again, because I have not seen the film. Hence
these locals took their name back in the late 90's. Its six components are tired of winning championships junior group and after two EPs, they uncover with their first full length published just yesterday. Lyrics full of meaning, drink the purest britpop.
Discography: Squaring the circle
(demo) 2003 # Mira (EP) 2005 # One day in the World 2008.
Media: New Single

Sunday, February 10, 2008

French Stone Oven Blueprints



The definition of rock is fluctuating between two states and conditions:

Swinging is vibrating or change from one state to another state.

An oscillator is a device that produce oscillations in the form of repetitive waves.

An oscillator is an electronic circuit used in electronic communications as frequency generator to transmit signals between a transmitter and a receiver.

an oscillator in electronic applications is a device or circuit that produces oscillations

A power swing is a repetitive change of voltage or current waveform.

If an oscillator is self sustained, changes in the waveform is continuous and repetitive.

A self-sustained oscillator circuit does not require a input signal for its operation, it is generating its own electronic signal.

can say that the only signal that is applied to an oscillator is a DC voltage (bias voltage) to operate.

An oscillator in an electronic circuit from a dc voltage generates a voltage as
sine wave.


oscillators to function properly must have a feedback loop.

feedback in electronic means take a portion of the output signal and return to the entrance.

Figure 1 shows an example of the principle of feedback.

feedback is to send a voltage or current output to the input.
Fig. 1 Model of a feedback amplifier

The feedback loop is physically an electrical connection made by a cable.

electronics exist in two types of feedback:


positive negative feedback

In oscillator circuits using the
positive feedback.

There are four requirements that must be met to achieve a good performance in an oscillator:

1.1 .- Amplification: an oscillator must have an amplifier capable of amplifying voltage.

1.2 .- Positive feedback: An oscillator circuit must have a complete path for the output signal back to the entrance.

feedback signal must be regenerated, that means that you must have the correct phase and amplitude correct. (*) 1.3 .-

to determine the frequency components: An oscillator must determine the frequency components such as resistors, capacitors, coils or crystals that allow to set or change the operating frequency. 1.4 .-

Power: An oscillator to operate like any other electronic circuit requires a power supply.

To produce self-sustained oscillations, an oscillator circuit must meet four basic requirements described above.

The most common configurations used in an oscillator for its operation are: RC (Resistance-Capacitor)
LC (coil-capacitor), the quartz crystals and integrated circuits.


In an electronic oscillator which aim is to obtain an oscillating system which is stable and regular, maintaining a frequency and a continuous waveform.

This natural process takes advantage of possessing the damped oscillation circuits composed of elements
capacitive or inductive .

These elements have the ability to store electrical charge inside (electrically charged) and unloaded when the load of food has gone.

The simplest example of oscillator is composed of a coil, a capacitor, a battery and a switch.

This circuit is called tank circuit.

Figure 2 describes the tank circuit

Tank circuit
Fig. 2

Initially the switch is left in place so that the capacitor C is charged with providing battery power V.

After some time the switch is passed to the right position. As the coil has no load and the capacitor is fully charged, the latter is fully discharged into the coil, once the capacitor is completely discharged now winding which is downloaded onto the
capacitor, not standing until the load on the coil is zero and therefore the capacitor is again charged.

This process is repeated until the stored energy is consumed either as heat.

This process can be plotted using an XY Cartesian axis in the x-axis represents time and the y-axis value of the electric current flowing through the coil and the voltage at the terminals of the capacitor.

If you draw it we can see how there is a continuous exchange of energy between the capacitor and coil.

The subtraction of energy produced by the resistance of the inductor and capacitor (which can overheat the components) is what makes this process is not infinite.

Fig. 3 curves LC oscillator

In the graph we can see how the gap voltage between terminals of the coil is always in effect opposite to that in the condenser.

This lag is 180 ° between strains, there is a gap of 90 ° between the current flowing through the coil and tension.

This signal is buffered to the time until become extinct after a relatively short time period. An electronic circuit that is capable of reloading electrically one component will make a consistent swing

oscillation frequency

The characteristic of this type of circuit, also known as LC tank circuit is that the speed with which current flows and returns from the condenser coil or vice versa, occurs with a frequency
(F) itself, often called resonance, which depends on the values capacitor (C) and coil (L), and is given by the following formula:

F is measured in Hertz, C in Farads
and L in henry .

Saturday, February 9, 2008

All Small And Mighty Buy


Simple Minds.

Scottish rock band, standard bearer of the New Wave movement. Outstanding movement in the decade of 80. Although originally started playing in late 70's, coming from other bands closest to punk styles , was undoubtedly his most poppy twist what they took by storm the charts around the world.
probably more than one @, having danced remember any of their successes. Although his first and best known hit is Do not You (Forget About Me) and I stay in my essential Theme For Great Cities. Alfredo sure remember this topic as input from a television program.

Media: Theme For Great Cities.

Engravable Charm Bracelets Winnipeg

Soul / Funk

Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators.

Summary: Lead
American who has collaborated with musicians from very different styles like electronic music or black music. Married with Jimi Tenor.
started his career in London back in 84, accompanying some of the future components of The Brand New Heavies. His first solo record is edited in 2000. Later, in 2004, came her second album. In 2005, in collaboration with the Finnish group The Soul Investigators, would his third job. A disc retro soul and funk. Interestingly most international success comes at the end of 2007 with the reissue of the third disc in the form of remixes.

Discography: Soul Makeover, it Bee 2000 #, 2004 # Keep Reachin 'up, 2005 # Keep Reachin' Up Remixes, 2007.

Media: I left you a comparison of two versions of one song star disc.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fix Broken Lever Pokemon Park

Pure Jazz.

Robin McKelle. Changing

registration completely, I think I had an outstanding debt myself. Today I introduce you to one of the women, for me, more interesting world jazz scene.
This woman, born in Rochester (New York), studying piano at the conservatory for later touring with other bands as a singer. In this aspect, accompanied by musicians like Herbie Hancock and John Secada.
Music Lover of Big Bands, cradling his voice to these as you would any great diva of the 30's or 40's. A worthy successor to ladies like Ella Fitzgerald and Vaughan Sauraha.
I think is just listen.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Barbie ,princess,pollygames

Essential (5).

Shine on you crazy diamond.

You can call heavy, but the other day, returning from Kurro, Radio3 hear again this song of my beloved Pink Floyd and I said, what the hell! I'm not going to hang on my blog one of my favorite songs. Yes, I know Alfredo, do not you are cool. I respect that, but here the writer?.
Máxime si estoy haciendo un recopilatorio de mis Esenciales.
Para quien le guste, para quien no, para quien no la conocen, para los que la quieren conocer, para todos. (se recomienda audición con cascos o en su defecto, volumen alto). David Gilmour en estado puro.
Enjoy it!!

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond. Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky. Shine on you crazy diamond. You were caught on the cross fire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze. Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine! You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon. Shine on you crazy diamond. Treatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light. Shine on you crazy diamond. Well you wore out your welcome with random precision, rode on the steel breeze. Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Example Of A Monthly Counseling Statement

Essentials (4).

permanent paralysis.

it because we all have a past, it is because I do not usually recommend English groups, is because it represents an entire golden age in this country ,........ or is it because in his day I scored a lot, musically speaking, of course.
Whatever it was or is, permanent paralysis, always be in my musical memory of an era, the golden age in the eighties did jump to more than one @, was wearing skinny pants, sporting the comb and dress many zippers, etc ..... and made more of a dream @ the possibility of having your own group.
By then, I admit without shame, I also had mine with three friends. We called .... ahem, ahem ,.... The Tapeworm. Youth divine treasure.
Well I roll it up, and found this biography of paralysis, from this time and above all, of our national James Dean, Eduardo Benavente (died in tragic car accident at age 20.)
remember his music, his lyrics and the time.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Hook Up Dvd Player Dynex Tv

Essentials (3)

The Cult [Return].

course, as my colleague Alfredo, I am not a supporter of returns, but what leads me to recommend not what you will, that hopefully is good, but what they did.
At the time of the 90's, Valencia entire longed to see live one of their most idolized groups around the music scene. Finally the concert was at the Pavilion de la Fuente de San Luis. Simply brilliant, the most energetic and had the pleasure to see. His songs speak for themselves.