Thursday, March 12, 2009

Radio Shack Return No Recipt

MOSFETs are as FET, but with a different operation. Also activated by tension in the door and pass a drain current supplier, but its internal structure is different. It is a field-effect transistor, but built with a metal oxide layer (MOSFET = Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor).
CMOS technology is an integrated circuit construction. There is the TTL, CMOS, ETL, RTL, DTL, ... CMOS technology is characterized by: - \u200b\u200bhigh voltage range (3V - 18V approx) - slow to medium - very insensitive to noise a logic family is used both for the technology (TTL family, ...) and for subtecnología (HCT família, ...). The
subtecnologías stands following the technology. Serve to tell us that the chips have extra features. Example: Family 74HSxxx 74 (TTL) Subfamily HS (High Speed \u200b\u200bShckottky) The CMOS begin 40xxx
FAMILY CLASSES MOS is derived in
PMOS (P-type MOS)
NMOS (MOS-type N)
CMOS (Complementary MOS)
BiCMOS (Bipolar CMOS)


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