Sunday, June 10, 2007

F/m Corporal Punishment


In these times, we know that technology advances more and more every day, our products are each time smaller and larger capacity (in all respects), every time our cars are bigger, smarter and safer, the computer industry grows bigger every day incredibly, and that of our visual devices that are more powerful, smaller size, consume less energy and have greater image definition, a matter of time before these technological advances are fully within our grasp. Today, flat screens are practically everywhere we go, and is gradually moving to the technologies of the last century, but it is very important not only be part of the consumer society, we need to understand how these new technologies to be something more than just buyers and be part of the technological revolution that is lived day by day, for this is explained the operation of the main technologies that make it possible the amazing performance of the screens that we see every day.


Such screens, which today are feeling for its practical space saving, high image quality (high definition) and futuristic design, are sold worldwide with great success, but not many people wonder how they work and how it produces this kind of technology that has moved into the televisions 'old' base running to a cathode ray emitter tube (kinescope) the which we had lines of light at high speed through a phosphor screen (only illuminated a spot on the screen simultaneously) and thus giving the impression to be watching moving images.

These new displays based manufacturing operation and 2 plates of glass together in parallel (Fig. 1), here lies the secret of the ultra tv flat, since between these plates is a matrix or grid of individual cells and tiny (small cavities), each measuring a fraction of an inch (fig. 2), and likewise are interconnected through thousands of microscopic electrodes that will circulating an electric current through each cell of the screen, these cells are filled to see with a mixture of inert gases, these gases are neon and xenon and pass electricity through these gases creates the plasma (which is a form of matter, which gas molecules are ionized and conduct electricity, like lightning), which, in turn causes light (Fig. 3).

Once TVs are loaded with the aforementioned gases, it creates a problem is that the neon and xenon UV light generated only when excited by an electric current, this is not desirable since this type of light is not visible to the human eye to correct this issue is the use of chemical and each cell is covered proportion of red phosphorus green and blue to make the light visible from the plasma to our eyes, the choice of these colors, it is no coincidence, since only with these 3 colors can produce any color with the right combinations of intensity of each one (Fig. 4). The device so far described, is still far from being a television as we now know it is not even capable of generating sharp images, sounds much less tune TV channels, so this is added in the back of blocks corresponding to each desired control process, as the signal formats and set-top boxes needed for the screen and settle a TV.

The most important part of this system is the device that controls image generation because it is important to know that each of the cells that were mentioned above is excited by a different power according to the image you want to show, this process is complicated because it must control the flow of thousands of independent cells, so that each behave color light emitting you want and run on all images that we all think if you turn rapidly changing apparent motion and allowed to see the television as we know today (Fig. 5).

Fig 5 (bottom of a screen image completed)


Today it is very common to hear of LCD screens, and according to those who know the subject have come to bring a number of advantages. But in reality, in earthly terms, what this is this type of display? And why do we replace the LED displays? These and some other answers are given below.

Before anything "LCD? That actually means because it does not provide much information. Well these three letters mean, translated into English, Liquid Crystal Display (Liquit Crystal Display) (fig. 6). Dicho tipo de tecnología se lo debemos a Jack Janning quien lo invento para una compañía llamada NCR hace mas de 40 años pero no fue sino hasta hace poco tiempo sale a la luz para innovar y reducir costos a comparación de los antiguos displays. Pues bien las pantallas LCD llevan en su interior miles de cristales líquidos (fig. 7), que físicamente no son ni líquidos ni sólidos, sino más bien ambos en un estado intermedio. Gracias a esto pueden orientar la luz, aunque no pueden generarla, por lo que necesitan de una fuente externa que le proporcione dicha luz, con esto podemos explicar que cuando es de noche requerimos una fuente externa para ver nuestro reloj.

The electrical system consists of the LCD consists of two plates almost parallel transparent and conductive half this in the above crystal.

When light passes through the plates, they redirect the light and the crystalline material gives the form of representation desired.

To become more familiar with LCD screens can give some examples to better locate, any of us have had our hands on a calculator, a cell phone, camera and some big screens, in fact these are good examples of LCD screens. Especially small screens because they are cheaper and easier to make plasma screens.

even in if there are several technologies to make the LCD is governed by a simple principle: leave or pass light. Basically what is done is by either a capacitor or a transistor TFT is provided an electric field to each pixel and according to the electric field generated will be the orientation of the LCD crystals .

an analogy would be something like open a shutter when we pass light when closed causes the dark.


on an LCD screen for each pixel we associate a control device is that each point has a tiny transistor.


is that the LCD does not produce a progressive scan as do cathode ray TV.

One of its flaws is that by using only the average emission polarization as required from external sources and for this is that there are three types of display: are

reflector mode: in this type of display, the LCD has a reflective surface on the bottom so it requires an external light source, and if there are no we may be able to distinguish anything on the screen.

transmitter mode: in this form of visualization, The LCD has an own source this behind it so it is not required any external source to observe the screen image

transflector Mode: in this type of display, the LCD has an own source who is behind it and also has a reflective surface so Light can be external to internal, this is the more usual it is like cell phones and LCD watches.

In general this is how they operate the LCD and the changes would only depending on the type of materials used.

Note that only quality work with polarization gives the opportunity to multiperspective screens, as shown in the following news.

Finally after all this enough to say they are very economical in their use and consume little power and virtually no heat because it does not produce light by themselves making them more efficient and light so they are highly portable, even more than the plasma and are almost comparable in features.

how the touch screen.

These screens are called touch screens or to place them better, are the screens where you can choose the options shown in the same with just touch either with your finger or a pointer and used in ATMs PDAs, in a palm, etc.

The guiding principle behind this technology is able to monitor some physical data to change when the screen is pressed.

Most of these screens has a range of transparent glass plates to allow the LCD display who is always after all these screening plates as shown in Figure 8.

Fig. 8 (screen shape touch screen)

There are many technologies that allow this feature, but the most used is one in which the the screen working plates or sheets, highlighting those that are like two resistors fed by a battery (one for the horizontal axis X and one for the vertical Y), which also form a grid on the screen, defining specific points to detect if there is pressure on same. The detection of the exact point of pressure is done by taking into account that if a current flows through a resistance (the current is supplied by a battery) this necessarily has a voltage Assn IADO and also the strength of the shaft is allowed measure the voltage at many points then what is done is that when you press the screen matches the plate resistance at one point with a conductive plate (See Figure 9) that will reveal the voltage of the resistance (since there is a voltage division that varies the contact point as with a potentiometer (see Figure 10) and thus relate to a specific point relevant axis for each axis has a strong board and printed circuit board monitoring.

So finally know the exact point in the X axis and taking into account the voltages obtained at each monitoring board

In itself, this is the operating principle of the detection point pressure on the touch screen, but perhaps most important is that once found the point, the device's software determines the function to perform as it is displaying on your screen (see Figure 11).



- Daniel Hernandez Cerecedo.

- Luis David Gonzalez Valdes.

- Norma Angelica Ruiz Manzo.

- Osornio Miguel Angel Ortega


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